Authorized IDEXX Distributors
Order from a distributor
IDEXX companion animal SNAP tests, analyzer slides and tubes are sold through the following distributors in Canada.
They will gladly provide you with detailed information, answer your questions and help you with your order.

Associated Veterinary Purchasing
27533 50th Avenue
Langley, British Columbia
V4W 0A2
Tel.: 1-800-663-1926
Fax: 1-800-265-6667
2999 Choquette Boulevard
P.O. Box 608
St. Hyacinthe, Quebec
J2S 7C2
Tel.: 1-800-668-2368
Fax: 1-800-363-3134
Veterinary Purchasing
485 Queen Street West
P.O. Box 1150
St. Marys, Ontario
N4X 1B7
Tel.: 1-800-265-6660
Fax: 1-800-265-6667
Western Drug Distribution Center
17611-109A Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5S 2W4
Tel.: 1-877-746-9332
Fax: 1-800-329-9332